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Another fabulous Cranbury Day for the Cranbury Dems!

CDC members Aimee LaBrie and MariCris McDowell welcome residents to the tents at Cranbury Day 2023. PHOTO | Andrea Kane

The Cranbury Dems booths at Cranbury Day, September 9th, 2023, were busier than ever. Visitors signed up for our newsletter, participated in our Images of Cranbury book raffle, and learned more about the candidates we are supporting in this year’s election (Nov. 7th!).

Township Committee member and candidate for reelection, Matt Scott, talking to residents at Cranbury Day 2023. PHOTO | Andrea Kane
Cranbury Township Committee member Matt Scott with State Assembly candidate Tennille McCoy.

Township Committee member Matt Scott, who is running for his third term, greeted residents and described his goals for the future. State Assembly candidate Tennille McCoy stopped by in the afternoon and inspired all those she spoke to with her infectious energy and positive message.

We added several new features this year, including treats for dogs, and a red-white-and-blue beading workshop for the smallest future voters. We also welcomed our two newly elected CDC members, Aimee LaBrie and MariCris McDowell, who listened to voters’ concerns and built connections with neighbors.

High school student, Reya Nair, volunteered with us and her passion for politics shined through in her ability to connect with voters and those not yet old enough to vote. She brought a unique perspective and we hope to work with her again in the future.

We also owe many thanks to Donna Simcoe, a Birchwood resident, who helped out all morning and kept the conversation lively.

It was a special day and we were glad to come together with our community.

CDC members Holly Johnson, Cassie Shea, and Laura Zurfluh with PHS student volunteer Reya Nair on Cranbury Day, 2023. PHOTO | Andrea Kane
Paid for by the Cranbury Democratic Committee