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Donate to the CDC

You may donate to the CDC through a secure ActBlue portal. If you donate $15 or more, we will give you a handy Cranbury CDC tote bag. Your donation helps us support our community in many ways such as:

  • finding good Democratic candidates to run for Cranbury Township Committee that will support all residents and foster a high quality of life
  • organizing help for neighbors during a crisis and whenever they need it,
  • getting important local information out to residents quickly on our website and via social media,
  • and hosting events to encourage connections between neighbors.

For those who would like to offer their support by check, please send it to the Cranbury Democratic Committee at 1 Prospect Street, Cranbury, NJ. NOTE: For the committee to provide accurate financial filings as required under the law, please send along a note providing your address, indicating that you are over age 18, indicating that are a US citizen (or green card holder), saying whether you are employed and, if so, who your current employer is. We appreciate your compliance.

If you wish to donate to a specific candidate, please visit their website or social media for more information.

Paid for by the Cranbury Democratic Committee