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What is the CDC?

Former CDC Chair Susan Goetz, CDC Member David Nissen, CDC Chair Cassie Shea, CDC Treasurer Dan Harshbarger, CDC Communication Coordinator Holly Johnson, State Senator Linda Greenstein, CDC Vice Chair Dr. Laura Zurfluh, Cranbury Township Committeewoman Barbara Rogers, and Cranbury Deputy Mayor Eman El-Badawi. | PHOTO: Andrea Kane

The Cranbury Democratic Committee (CDC) works to build the Democratic party in our New Jersey township, to advance the principles of open and fair government and participatory democracy, and to promote the general interests of the Democratic Party.

What kinds of things do we do to accomplish our goals?

  • We recruit and support well-qualified Democrats to run for local office,
  • we participate in events such as Cranbury Day to connect with neighbors and promote our candidates,
  • we host open events where folks can come to learn more about our work,
  • we invite guest speakers to present on political issues,
  • we participate in elections and events related to the Middlesex County Democratic Organization,
  • we stay connected to residents via our website and social media,
  • we collaborate with other local groups to support community-building events, and
  • we organize help for neighbors during a crisis or whenever they need it.

(Want to read the fine print? Read the New Jersey statutes that explain all aspects of the role by clicking here).

Paid for by the Cranbury Democratic Committee